
Fight Together

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Literature Text

Trembling hands gripped the newspaper as black eyes scanned the front page. Disbelief, fear and anger warred over the masculine face and the young revolutionary gripped the newspaper far harder than he needed to. His roving eyes came to a stop as he reached the end of the article, and for a moment, everything was still save the slight shiver still running through his arms. Then, in a burst of movement, he rose to his feet, rolled the newspaper up and turned towards the door. Scooping up the black, goggle-adorned top hat off the table on his way out, the young man made a beeline for the Leader's office.

Anger caused his eyes to glitter with an odd light as he made his swift way through the halls of the base. The other revolutionaries took one look at his hard face and determined scowl and got out of his way quickly. Usually, they'd be calling out a greeting to the normally cheerful young man, but those who were foolish enough to ignore the tenseness in his muscles were quickly silenced by their friends.

The Leader's office door was in sight, and the young revolutionary paused outside, only long enough to knock and be welcomed inside. He shoved the door open and, without preamble, tossed the rolled up newspaper onto the desk that Monkey D. Dragon was sat behind. It rolled for a moment, then unfurled with a flop, showing the front page and the grinning, freckled face depicted there. Dragon reached out and picked up the newspaper, reading it over while his subordinate watched him with fiercely passionate eyes, waiting.

    Before the sun rises, let's head out
    To greet our unseen tomorrows
    We have no regrets in our resolve
    (Oh, I know what I'm supposed to do)

No words were needed. Dragon knew what the young man wanted; he just needed to authorize it. He sighed and dropped the newspaper back onto the desk. "Why? He'll hate you for it." He said simply, raising his eyes to meet those locked on him so fiercely.

"I'll regret it for the rest of my life if I don't" was the succinct answer. When all Dragon did was continue to watch him with unreadable eyes, the young man relented a little. Running a distracted hand through his short, curly blonde hair, he smiled ruefully. "He's my brother." He said, then made a sound that was somewhere between a sigh, a snort and a chuckle. "I'd go through hell and back for him, for the both of them, if it would keep them safe. He can hate me if he wants, as long as he's alive to hate me, its fine."

For a moment, he thought he saw a smile twitch at the corners of Dragon's mouth, but it was gone so fast he thought he must have imagined it. "Alright." He said. A bright, determined grin lit up the young revolutionary's face, and he turned to leave. "Take as many as you think you'll need." Dragon added.

The blonde man paused, then turned back to his Leader with wide eyes. "Really?" He asked, clearly stunned by the amount of leeway being given to him over this.

Lowering his head, Dragon glared at the young man before him from under his brow. "Keep them safe." He said simply, and his subordinate blinked once, before understanding dawned, and he snapped into a slightly mocking salute. No more words were exchanged as he swept from the office. As the door swung shut, Dragon could hear him calling for messengers to tell some of the units to get prepped for travel.

    No matter what trials lie ahead
    Nothing can stop my beating heart
    There is only one place to go
    (Fly to the light)

The young, blonde revolutionary was kept busy for the next week, preparing the covert invasion of Marineford. A small voice in the back of his head, the one he made a habit of ignoring, told him he was, perhaps, going a little overboard. He didn't need to be taking three of the best revolutionary units, along with another four standard units for backup. However, every time this thought niggled him, he had an answer that brooked no argument: It was for Ace.

Finally, the preparations were ready, and they set out. Seven large ships full to the brim with battle-ready revolutionaries set sail for the center of the world. On the prow of the lead ship stood a young man; the leader of this mission. It wasn't his first time he had been in charge of a mission this large. No, in the ten years since he'd joined the Revolutionary Army, he had surged up through the hierarchy with a startling speed, and his own legend was beginning to filter through the world. But never before had he led a mission that was so close to his heart.

Failing was not an option.

Taking in a deep breath of sea air, the young man closed his eyes and steeled himself for the fight ahead. He cut an impressive figure, stood at the prow of the ship, his ankle-length midnight blue coat fluttering in the wind of their movement, steady despite the rocking and rolling of the deck beneath his black boots. His trousers, black as well and somewhat loose, were tucked into said boots and he had a thick blue belt around his waist with a silver clasp at the front with a flower embossed on it. Around his neck was a slightly tattered white scarf, the only thing on his torso save his coat, and on his head was his precious top hat, goggles and all. In his right hand, gripped tightly was a metal staff a little taller than he was, even with his hat on.

    Bonds forged through battle
    I won't let anyone get hurt
    When I open my clenched fist
    I will find power there

The ships cut through the water with a good speed, but for the blonde revolutionary, it was too slow. Eventually, though, Marineford became visible as a dark splotch on the horizon, and the young man at the prow of the ship moved for the first time since they set off. It wasn't much, just a subtle shifting of weight, but it was movement.

Slowly, the dark blot on the horizon began to form a more coherent shape. As they moved ever closer, the sounds of battle became clearer and clearer. His grip on his staff became so tight his knuckles turned white, and he leaned forwards slightly, as if that would get him there faster.

Please don't let me be too late. He thought desperately.

They drew closer and closer, and soon warning bells began to ring on Marineford. There was no doubt that it was due to the approach of seven large, heavily armed Revolutionary battle ships. Dragon's Revolutionary Army was making a move, no doubt to assist his son. The young blonde shook his head. The marines were so concerned with who was whose son. Like it mattered who your parents were, he thought with a measure of disgust. Ace had tried so hard to get away from the stigma of his father's name, and here they were trying to kill him for it.

A sudden explosion caught his attention, and he saw three cannonballs sailing through the air towards them. Unimpressed expression in place, the revolutionary leapt into the air and with a single swing of his staff, sent them hurtling back at the turrets that had fired them. He landed neatly back on the deck and resumed his stance, staring straight ahead and waited for the ships to reach the shore.

It took far longer than he was happy with, but they finally slowed to a stop and the revolutionary soldiers began disembarking swiftly, charging off to meet the marines ready and waiting for them. The blonde leader ignored the small fry, instead charging over the ice that covered the bay and heading for the plaza, where he could see the impressive figure of Whitebeard. He cleared the distance in a surprisingly short amount of time, and found himself in the plaza. Looking around, he tried to spot that familiar head of dark hair, that familiar straw hat.

"Blue Storm." That smooth, guarded voice caused him turn and regard the man he knew to be the commander of Whitebeard's first division. "What are you doing here?" Marco asked, raising an eyebrow expectantly.

For a moment, the revolutionary known as 'The Blue Storm' wondered how to answer. "Same reason as you." He said eventually, grinning wide enough to show off the gap in his teeth. "I'm here to rescue my brother."

There was a tense moment where Marco sized him up and evaluated him, but then he smiled. "He's already been rescued." He said. "Now we just need to get him out of here alive." Marco added, jerking his head in a specific direction. The young man turned and saw an eruption of flames in the distance. He grinned. With a last, grateful nod to Marco, he set off, doing his best to clear a path for his brothers.

A sudden feeling of dread caused him to turn towards the two raven-haired men he considered brothers. He saw, with horror curling in his gut, the marine Admiral, Akainu, stood before them, and though he was too far away to hear the words, he knew that the admiral was taunting Ace. Unfortunately it seemed to be working.

Not quite sure why he knew it was so important, Sabo began to race through the battling men, trying to get to Ace. He saw the two men's punches meet, and Ace was bowled over, burnt by Akainu's powers. Then Akainu turned his aim on Luffy, and Ace, eyes wide and wild with desperation, flung himself in front of their little brother.

The world seemed to still for a moment, those nearby transfixed by the fist of lava driving towards Ace's unprotected back. Leaping the rest of the distance, the young, blond revolutionary flung himself between his brothers and the threat to their lives. Focusing his will like Dragon had taught him, he swung his staff round in front of him and, holding it with both hands, blocked the magma from progressing any closer. "Over my dead body." He vowed, meeting the admiral's fierce glare with one of his own.

    So let's start!
    The new world is calling us
    See now, look!
    No matter how many seas separate us
    I'm always standing by you
    Don't be afraid to advance

"Blue Storm…" Akainu growled. "I suppose this shouldn't be surprising." He cast a foul look at Luffy over the revolutionary's shoulder. "Hiding behind daddy's lieutenant, are we?" He taunted bitterly. The blonde man rolled his eyes at the childishness of this so-called adult.

With a rough heave, the revolutionary flung the admiral's fist away from himself, then swung his staff above his head and brought it down in a crushing, Haki-infused blow to the marine's shoulder. "I would have come with or without Dragon's permission." He stated coolly as Akainu grunted and stumbled with the force of the blow. The marine looked surprised, and the revolutionary smirked. "It's what brothers do."

It was only then that he heard the quiet, stunned voice behind him. "S-Sabo?"

Glancing over his shoulder, he saw both of his brothers staring at him as if he were a ghost. He felt a pang of regret at keeping them in the dark about his miraculous survival. "Hey." He greeted with a casual grin. "I told you your refusal to back down would get you into trouble, Ace." He added, and heard a faint, breathless laugh escape his brother.

    Don't forget
    We fight together!

"S-Sabo… Is it really-…?"

A small smile appeared on Sabo's face as he met Luffy's wide, stunned eyes. "Yeah, it's me, otouto." He assured him. A sudden shift in the atmosphere, and the way Ace's eyes widened in warning alerted Sabo to Akainu's attack, and he dodged flawlessly. "It's rude to attack someone while they're trying to have a conversation, you know." He told the seething marine in a polite tone, before pointedly turned his back on him. "Let's get Ace out of here, ne, Luffy?"

As if in a daze, Luffy nodded and got to his feet, pulling Ace with him, while Sabo blocked another attack from Akainu. "Let's go." Luffy said quietly to Ace, who barely seemed to register the words, as he was still staring in stunned silence at Sabo.

Rolling his eyes, Sabo gave Ace a little push to get him moving. "Go!" He said, his tone dripping with mirth. The three of them began to run.

    Birds taking flight on the wind
    Passed through the rainbow towards the future
    Where a flower called hope blooms
    (The flowers will never die)

Slowly, Ace and Luffy got over the shock of seeing their supposedly dead brother again, and if the watching pirates and marines had thought that their teamwork had been impressive before, it was nothing on what they saw now. Accompanying the flames and the rubber punches now was a haki-infused staff being weilded with deadly accuracy and bone-crushing force. With a wide grin on his face, Ace called over to Sabo "I need to get me one of those!"

Grinning so wide his cheeks began to hurt, Sabo laughed. "It'd be just like the good old days then, huh?" He agreed, causing Luffy to laugh like a little kid again, while his vastly improved 'Gomu Gomu no Pistol' sent three marines flying into a wall with a sickening crunch.

As they made their way across the plaza, they were slowly surrounded by Whitebeard's division commanders. The arrival of the revolutionaries had turned the tide of the battle, and it wasn't hard for Sabo, Ace and Luffy to get back to Sabo's ship and be on their way away from Marineford.

For a moment, as the adrenaline wore off, the three of them were silent. But then Luffy's lip began to wobble. "S-Sabo…" He said, in a voice cracked with tears. From the way Ace was clenching his jaw, Sabo figured he too, was doing his best not to cry.

Sucking in a breath to keep his own tears at bay, Sabo grinned. "Yeah." He agreed, then hesitantly held his arms out for a hug. Instantly, he found his arms full of a bawling Luffy, the boy's rubber arms wrapped round him a good half dozen times. "I'm here, Luffy. I'm not going anywhere." Sabo promised, sniffling a little himself. He glanced up at Ace, and saw that, despite the tears now trailing down his cheeks, Ace was still holding himself back.

    You tucked away a desire reaching out
    From that place in your heart
    Isn't it getting a little tight in there?
    (Fly to the light)

With a little jerk of his head, Sabo silently pleaded for Ace to join them. He needed to be with his brothers as much as his brothers needed him right now. Stumbling a little, Ace wobbled over to them and wrapped his arms around the both of them, hiding his face in Sabo's shoulder and finally letting go. Broken, laugh-like sobs escaped him as his shoulders shook. Luffy was acting like he didn't even know the meaning of the word restraint, which he probably didn't, and was laughing and crying loudly at the same time.

"What-? How?!" Ace demanded, his voice cracking, though with happiness or tears, Sabo couldn't quite tell. Probably a mixture of both.

Wrapping one arm around Ace and using the other to hold Luffy in a sort of reverse-piggyback, Sabo let his knees give out, and the three of them sank slowly to the floor. "Dragon pulled me out of the wreckage." Sabo explained breifly, knowing that there would be a time for long explanations and coversations, but this was not it. "Had to stay hidden cause of my family. I'm so sorry. I wish I could've-"

"Shut up."

With a weak chuckle, Sabo obeyed, and the three of them knelt there until they finally calmed down. "M'glad you're back, Sabo!" Luffy said, grinning widely. "I missed you!"

Trust Luffy to put it so simply, Sabo thought, laughing happily. He had missed his brothers more than he thought. "I missed you too, Luffy, Ace." He tightened his hold on them both for a moment, until Ace coughed pointedly, and Sabo released them again, grinning sheepishly.

"You know, I didn't need rescuing." Ace insisted childishly, though when Sabo met his eyes, he could see the self-mockery in those black orbs. He grinned in response.

"I wasn't rescuing you, anyway, Ace." He replied, with the same mocking, light hearted tone. "I was rescuing me and Luffy. You think you're allowed to get away from us by dying? Not a chance!" Sabo insisted. "We won't let you leave us behind that easy." The mirth in Ace's eyes faded out, replaced by the love he barely ever spoke aloud, and gratitude. It wasn't, Sabo knew, a 'Thanks for saving me' look, but more a 'Thanks for caring enough to want to save me' expression.

Sabo pulled Ace back into a hug and the other man buried his head in his shoulder again to hide his tears.

    What can you defend by lying to yourself?
    There's no shame in falling to your knees
    Just always stand back up
    So that we can see each other again

"Same goes for you." Ace said suddenly, causing Sabo to frown. "Don't you go dying on us again, ok?" He checked.

For a moment, Sabo couldn't speak for the tears clogging up his throat, but then he managed to force his words out. "I won't. And if it gets close, you're allowed to come and rescue yourselves." He said, trying to inject some more humour into the conversation.

Ace choked out a laugh that sounded more like a sob.

Eventually, they relocated to Sabo's cabin on the ship and spent hours reacquainting themselves with each other, telling their stories and reminiscing about their time together in the Grey Terminal and with the Dadan Family. Sabo confessed, blushing awkwardly, to collecting every article and wanted poster of and about the two of them. Ace punched his shoulder, grinning, and Luffy just laughed happily.

"So what now?" Sabo asked curiously when the conversation died down a little.

The other two looked at him, almost confused. Slowly, looking thoughtful, Ace tried to answer. "Well, I- we both need to get back to our crews, eventually… but I don't want to think about saying goodbye yet." He confessed, looking a little awkward. Sabo smiled in understanding.

"We're headed for Baltigo at the moment, the Revolutionary headquaters." He added, for Luffy, who 'oohed' at the explanation. "After that… do you have somewhere you know you can meet up with your crew?" He asked.

"I've got this!" Luffy declared, pulling a Vivrecard out of his pocket. Then he hesitated when it shifted towards Ace. "Wrong one!" He announced with a laugh and pulled out another one. "This one will take me to my ship! My nakama all have one, so they'll know to meet up there!"

"And we always meet up at the same island." Ace added. "I used to have an Eternal Pose, but they took it off me at Impel Down." He confessed bitterly.

Sabo waved him off. "Oh, don't worry about that, I'm sure we can get you a new one." He said quickly, and Ace looked relieved.

    So let's start!
    The new world is calling us
    See now, look!
    No matter how many seas separate us
    I'm always standing by you
    Don't be afraid to advance

"But… I think we might not have to worry about getting to them." Ace confessed, grinning. "If I know the others, they'll be following us right now. It might be nice to spend some time out of the way, if Dragon will put up with us for a few weeks…" He said slowly, looking thoughtful.

"I wouldn't worry about that." Sabo said. "He should be ok with that, considering…" He looked pointedly at Luffy, and Ace nodded, smiling.

"Well of course he'll be ok with it!" Luffy declared, oblivious. "And if he's not, I'll beat him up until he is!" He added, waving a clenched fist about.

"You do know that's your dad you're talking about, right?" Sabo checked.

Luffy blinked at him. "Yeah, so?"

For a moment, all Ace and Sabo could do was stare at each other, before they burst out laughing. Luffy joined in without really understanding what they were laughing at. It didn't really matter to him. His brothers were happy and laughing, so he was happy and laughing too.

    Don't forget
    We fight together!

The rest of the journey passed in laughter and tears and a continuous stream of conversation. The three brothers had a lot to talk about after ten long years apart. They often ended up crying again, but none of them really minded. They needed it.

They reached Baltigo as the sun began to set. Sabo broke away from the other two for a few minutes to inform Dragon of the influx of guests he was liable to have. He didn't seem overly grumpy about it, and Sabo extracted himself quickly so he could get back to his brothers. After a small discussion, they decided unanimously to sleep on the roof that night. They took a bundle of blankets and pillowed up to the roof of the headquarters and made up three makeshift futons under the open sky.

Seating himself on the pile of cushions with a sigh, Sabo kicked off his boots and shrugged off his coat before snuggling under a blanket. Ace too, kicked off his standard prisoners shoes and dived into the pile of blankets, his head popping up next to Sabo's with a grin. "Gomu Gomu no…!"

With wide eyes, Ace and Sabo turned to regard Luffy. "Luffy… No! Luffy, don't! No! Stop-"


With that, Luffy flung himself into the pile of blankets, landing neatly on top of his brothers and knocking the wind out of them. Laughing hysterically, he snuggled down, pulling a couple of blankets over them, his legs hooked over Ace's and his back against Sabo's chest. "Now we're all next to each other!" He declared childishly.

Exchanging looks, Ace and Sabo smiled. "Yeah… we are." Sabo agreed softly, rolling over so he could curl around Luffy and rest his head against Ace's chest. Ace flung his arm over Sabo's shoulders and rested his hand on Luffy's head.

    I've never spoiled the memory
    Of the infinite sky I looked up to that day

They lay there in silence for a while, simply enjoying being with each other again after so long apart and so much stress and worry. Then, suddenly, Luffy began squirming in excitement. "Look! A shooting star! Haha! It's just like before!" He declared, reminding the other two of the night they had once spent on the cliff, and the shooting star they had seen then too. "My wish is gonna be the same as before too." Luffy declared in a softer voice, sounding more serious than before.

"What's that, Lu?" Ace asked, ruffling the younger boy's hair absently.

Luffy tilted his head so they could both see his face and the grin he was wearing. "That we can always stay together, no matter what."

"No matter what." Ace and Sabo echoed at the same time, making it more a promise than a wish on the star that was rapidly fading out of existence. After a long period of quiet, Ace spoke up with a sad voice. "But… we're going to have to go our separate ways eventually." He said quietly. "Can't have three captains on one ship." He reminded them with a melancholy smile.

"Of course…" Luffy agreed slowly, sounding as if he thought Ace was being stupid. "But we'll still be together." He said, blinking innocently up at them. "Just like how Sabo was still with us, even though he wasn't."

Again, Ace and Sabo exchanged a look. Sometimes, Luffy was so very wise, even though he could be so incredibly dense most of the time. Ace laughed. "Yeah, you're right." He agreed firmly. "I'll always keep you guys with me." He promised.

"I never let go of you to begin with." Sabo added, smirking.

The three of them laughed again.

    We've come a long way
    Each with our own pledge in our heart
    There is no doubt
    There are things we must carry with us

Their laughter was interrupted when Luffy yawned, before blinking his eyes sleepily. Rolling his eyes to Sabo, Ace ruffled Luffy's hair again. "G'night, Lu." He said softly.

"Night, Ace." Luffy replied sleepily, snuggling closer to Sabo and hooking his legs more firmly around Ace's. "Good night, Sabo." Luffy added in a voice so quiet the other two could barely hear him. Ace knew that Luffy still said that every night, even though, or perhaps because, Sabo wasn't with them anymore.

"Night, Lu." Sabo whispered back, apparently sensing the importance of that simple gesture. Luffy made a quiet crooning sound and latched his arms around Sabo's arm, hugging the limb close. "G'night, Ace." Sabo added, still whispering.

"Night, Sabo." Ace said with a wide smile as he closed his eyes and let sleep carry him off.

    The sun will rise
    And shine equally on our sorrows

When Sabo awoke, it took him a moment to work out what was going on. Then he remembered his reunion with his brothers, and a wide smile threatened to split his face in two. He could feel Luffy lying face-down on his stomach, and grimaced when he realised the younger boy was drooling onto his bare skin. Not pleasant in the least, but Sabo couldn't bring himself to be truly annoyed about it. His legs, he could feel, were rising and falling with Ace's breath as they were resting over said man's torso, with his arm flung casually over them like they were a blanket. Blinking blearily at the other two, Sabo then saw that Ace's head was resting on the back of Luffy's knees, and one hand was entangled with Luffy's rubber fingers.

Maybe we're a little old for this… Sabo thought fleetingly. Then he blinked at himself. Nah! His mind insisted, and he grinned. Squirming a little, Sabo decided it was high time his brothers woke up, the lazy bums! "Oi! Luffy! Rise and shine!" He declared loudly.

It was Ace, not Luffy, who woke at that, and he groaned and tilted his head to squint at Sabo. A slow, lazy smile curled his lips as he realised that the voice he'd heard wasn't just a remnant of a dream. "Mornin' Sabo." He said, sounding far too happy considering Sabo knew him and knew that he was very much not a morning person.

"Morning." Sabo returned absently, prodding Luffy harshly in the head. "Stop drooling on me, Luffy!"

This, of course, caused Ace to bark out a laugh, and even Sabo had to join in when Luffy mumbled "Meeeaaat…" in his sleep. Then, slowly, as if in response to the laughter around him, Luffy began to wake. "Huuuh? Ace? Sabo? Wha-…?"  He began, then he shot up, eyes wide. "SABO!" He yelled, and hugged his brother.

"Yeah, I'm here." Sabo replied, hugging Luffy back while grinning at the still laughing Ace. "I'm still here. It wasn't a dream, Luffy." He reassured Luffy, who was now laughing hysterically. Sabo decided it was long overdue, a good proper laugh with his brothers, and joined in. The three of them lay there, amongst the mussed up blankets, under the newly risen sun, and simply laughed. They laughed until they could barely breathe and their stomachs hurt, and then some.

    I believe in it
    The future that will become one piece someday
    Let's go find it together
    You're irreplaceable

That day they greeted the Whitebeard pirates, who had arrived some time in the night. There were more tears, more laughter and Ace was swamped with hugs and reprimands and congratulations. Luffy got to meet his father face-to-face for the first time, which was quite awkward for all present except, of course, Luffy himself, who thought the whole thing was awesome. As if to make the whole thing even better, just about a week later, Nico Robin turned up. Luffy was ecstatic, and insisted on a loud, raucous party to celebrate.

The three brothers spent all of their time together, whether it was with others or alone together, they were never apart. They ate together, eating the Revolution out of house and home, turning every meal into a competition. They trained together, beating each other up with metal sticks until they could barely move, then laughing until they could barely breathe. They celebrated together, never out of each others sight despite the huge demand on Ace's company and Sabo's time. They slept together, bundled up in a pile of blankets on the roof.

    Don't forget
    We fight together!

Even when the time came to part ways again, they looked at each other and knew they'd never truly be apart. Beaming wide, Sabo pressed a small square of Vivrecard into Ace's and Luffy's hands each. "So you can always find me if you need me." He said, and the way his eyes glittered with humour as he said it, Ace knew that he meant 'So you can come rescue me if I need it'.

Smiling widely, Ace returned the gesture, giving Sabo a small square of Vivrecard. "Luffy's already got one." He added.

Luffy himself pouted. "I wish I had one to give you two!" He said, pouting. Grinning at this, Ace reached over and plucked a couple of hairs from the top of Luffy's scalp. "OW! Ace! What was that for?!" Luffy whined, clutching at his head in a vain attempt to ward off further attacks.

"I'll get one made for you." He promised, holding up the hairs.

Luffy perked up and beamed, pain already forgotten. "Thanks, Ace!" He cheered.

Sabo was the one to break the light-hearted mood. He thrust out his fist between them. "Stay safe." He insisted seriously. Ace nodded and also reached out with his fist until his knuckles knocked Sabo's. Luffy mimicked the gesture. "Scream like a girl if you need me." He added with a teasing grin.

"Not a chance!" Ace replied with a laugh.

Luffy just giggled.

    …Life goes on…

Ace went off as the new First Mate of the Whitebeard pirates to reclaim their territories in the New World that they'd lost after Whitebeard's death.

    …Life goes on…

Luffy headed off with Silvers Rayleigh to train in the art of Willpower until, as he said, he was strong enough to save Ace and Sabo without any help.

    …Life goes on…

Sabo stayed with the Revolutionaries and agreed to help Robin train for when she went with Luffy into the New World.

    …Life goes on…

One day, Ace found himself with a family, a child, of his very own, and though he'd never realised that he'd wanted it, he found himself more content then than he ever had been before.

    …Life goes on…

One day, Sabo's name could be found on the cover of a best-selling book titled 'The Tale of Three Brothers', and he found contentment in the fact he no longer had to hide himself from the world.

    …Life goes on…

One day, on a far distant island at the end of the Grand Line, Luffy discovered One Piece and the freedom to roam the seas to his heart's content.

    Don't forget
    We fight together!
Well, I'm quite proud to say I've managed to watch 500 One Piece episodes. Of course, the last few episodes I've been watching are Luffy's flashbacks of his time with Ace and Sabo... and I have unabashedly fallen in love with Sabo.

Though, it is a bit of mindfuck hearing Naruto's voice saying 'Don't be reckless' and 'What's ramen?'

Oh, I suppose I ought to say DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE SPOILERS... but it's a little later for that, I think... ^^"

The song I used, the bits in italics, is 'Fight Together', the latest opening for One Piece. I used the english translation because I wanted to get the meaning across, but the Japanese is far more beautiful, and I recommend you go listen to it while reading this (I had it on repeat all the tie while writing this). [link]

The idea of nicknaming Sabo 'Blue Storm' does not belong to me. I saw it somewhere on dA, and when I was writing this and decided he needed a epithet (like Law's 'Surgeon of Death' and Ace's 'Fire-Fist'), it came to mind. It works and sounds good, so I hope the creator of the nickname doesn't mind that I used it... >.<

I did write this between midnight and nine in the morning, and I'm currently completely shattered, so if there are any typos, spelling mistakes or missing words, please let me know so I can fix it! Thank you!
© 2011 - 2024 Setari-Mirasukai
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I loved it but, I think you could of put in some more detail about Ace meeting the White Beard's again and Luffy's meeting with Dragon.